Post by dominiquerhines on Jun 24, 2020 23:03:51 GMT
I don't know what you have come here for... Maybe, you want to submit a prayer request for yourself or for someone else. Maybe, you have come to pray for others, I don't know... Nevertheless, I pray that if there is any good thing I have in Jesus Christ and you need it, and the Lord would love for you to have it, that He would give it to YOU! AND, if I don't have it, that He would pour out upon you what you need in abundance. He is a good Dad and a Faithful One too! He loves you and will always be there for you in one way or another... Be blessed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ my friend, I love you in Jesus name. 😊
Post by 300 on Apr 5, 2021 18:33:11 GMT
can you please pray for me that i get better from my illness (possibly covid). it has lingered for 3 weeks now and i hope there is no damage to my weakened heart from the prolonged fever and unusually high heart rate. i know i haven't been being a good christian, and i have prayed to Jesus for my illness to clear up, but it keeps returning. i'm out of options at this point.
Post by Jeff G on Apr 6, 2021 14:17:54 GMT